Language Lens for School Wide Change
7:00 - 8:00 AM Recorded Playback
Using ESSER Funds To Support English Learners
This NAELPA and NAESPA (the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators) co-sponsored webinar provided an overview of what ESSER funds are, the difference in their 'characteristics' from typical federal funding (e.g., non-recurring, no supplanting, distributed using Title I formula, but they are not Title I or ESSA funds, etc.), and how to use ESSER funds to support educational and other programs for ELs. The webinar featured a panel of EL practitioners from several organizations including NAELPA (National Association of English Learner Program Administrators); NAESPA (National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators; NABE (National Association for Bilingual Education); Migration Policy Institute, and others. The panel discussion was facilitated by David Holbrook, NAELPA Executive Director.

David Holbrook's Slides
Julie Sugarman's Slides
Lori Bowen's Slides
Handout - Chart: Allowable Uses of ESSER Funds
Handout - Emergency Broadband Assistance
Questions and Answers from Panelists to Attendees